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اخر تحديث15.08.2024 23:17:03, منشئ/آخر رفع: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Barrera, HubertPAR1945
2Ibañez, JuanPAR1917
3Muñoz, SashirPAR1827
4Ruiz Diaz, JorgePAR1700
5Davalos, DanielPAR1696
6Mareco, Matias3705218PAR1692
7Insfran Martinez, Rodrigo3710840PAR1635
8Rejala, RubenPAR1550
9Insfram, LiamPAR1461
10Escobar, MarcosPAR1431
11Ibañez, MaxiPAR1520
12Alvarenga, JhonatanPAR0
13Fernandez, Juan Emilio3719324PAR0
14Insfram, GuillermoPAR0
15Matias, LoveraPAR0
16Melida, AlainPAR0
17Villar, EnriquePAR0