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Torneio Circuito de RPD Etapa III

Last update 11.08.2024 00:42:47, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Starting rank

1Cunha, Lucas Aguiar02125404BRA23500
2Rocha, Arthur Ferreira371682145804BRA20902086
3Reis, Ernesto Guevara02103680BRA19480S50
4Ribeiro Jr, Valdir Uchoa02112850BRA19440S50
5Silva, Stenio Vargas02112876BRA19430
6Breitman, Nelson Rodrigues022736115BRA19350S50
7Felix, Raimundo Nascimento377822142899BRA19101930S50
8Machado Jr, Wander89882112698BRA18871780
9Bastos E Santos, Edson02123525BRA18850
10Guedes, Luis Augusto Maio02107325BRA18720
11E Silva, Raphael Frota Fontenele044765630BRA16230U18
12Maria Filho, Plinio Marcio044751338BRA01801S50
13Camilotti, Vicenzo Kuhn0BRA01800
14Fontenele, Filipe Martins8842044793189BRA01800U16
15Mendes, Danilo da Silva0BRA01800