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Blitz Nocturno Aguascalientes 2024

Վերջին արդիացում10.08.2024 07:47:35, Creator/Last Upload: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1FMBenitez Lozano, Javier5102472MEX2339
2IMPerez Gormaz, Matias3406342CHI2334
3Paz Valera, Luis Carlos5106869MEX2069
4Lagunes Perez, Roman Amisadai5184649MEX2047
5Avila Miguel, David5117291MEX2018
6AFMFogo Esquivel, Levi Kalani Alexander5183189MEX2009
7Hernandez Elizondo, Carlos5100259MEX1992
8Rivera Perez, Alfredo Asaf5143594MEX1969
9Waldo Zalapa, Alejandro5106109MEX1939
10Garcia Morales, Gaspar5115620MEX1932
11Herrera Murillo, Baldemar5137373MEX1927
12FMMartha Palafox, Jaime Lionel5103681MEX1913
13Mateos Bernabe, Luis Javier5134226MEX1849
14Llerenas Picon, Efren5187028MEX1834
15Castillo Magana, Erick5145511MEX1827
16Diaz Servin, Luis Misael5183740MEX1792
17Herrera, Velazquez Andy SantiagoMEX1531
18Aragon Iglesias, MateoMEX0
19Bolanos Lepere, UlisesMEX0
20Galvez Guzman, Sergio MoisesMEX0
21Gomez Chavez, Ana CristinaMEX0
22Hernandez Hernandez, Victor NoeMEX0
23Lopez Hernandez, Jose de Jesus TrinidadMEX0
24Miguel Torres, EmilianoMEX0
25Rea Figueroa, AaronMEX0
26Solis Muro, Cesar EnriqueMEX0