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The Irish Championship 2024 65+

Last update 11.08.2024 19:49:08, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank

1Prykhodchenko, Serhii2520265IRL1806
2Quinn, Noel2503832IRL1782
3Donohoe, Eugene2502445IRL1747
4Lynch, Peter J.2501252IRL1743
5Moore, Brian2528762IRL1736
6Baczkowski, Stefan2508290IRL1663
7Maher, John2501279IRL1659
8Fitzpatrick, Kevin2505886IRL1625
9Scott, Shay2504413IRL1621
10Dimitrov, Nikolai2511649IRL1597
11O'Connell, Michael Joseph25076761596
12Ducker, Chris2516470IRL1572
13Dempsey, Denis2502437IRL1558
14Reinhardt, Sean2518961IRL1548