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Altyn-Tuyun 090824 blitz

Last update 09.08.2024 11:35:04, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

Starting rank list of players

4FMOrozbaev, Eldiyar13802240KGZ2326
2Zheenbekov, Nurgazy13800485KGZ2046
6Umarbekov, Aziz13800248KGZ1991
5CMMomunaliev, Ruslan13812211KGZ1925
1Tapaev, Totuhan13811959KGZ1904
7Turksoi, Zhanpolat13826905KGZ1813
8WFMSovetbekova, Nurai13801910KGZ1763
3Murzakimov, Zhenishbek13840398KGZ1578