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دومین دوره مسابقات قهرمانی بانوان باشگاه رخ

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 13:38:28, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 85)

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1Kalvandi, Nashmil12544450IRI1754
2Barat Pour, Daniz36702374IRI1685
3Mazaheri, Mobina36702404IRI1520
4Ghorbani Jam, Atrin42798906IRI1510
5Ahadian, Rashin36768375IRI1508
6Hasani Nourian, Rozhan428003594IRI1507
7Soltani, Heliya22543856IRI1496
8Eslami, Ghazal428041976IRI1477
9Roohi, Ayda42787157IRI1477
10Soozani, Barana428004370IRI1467
11Amiri, NiliaIRI0
12Bayati, AylinIRI0
13Familmohamadi, Roksana428003802IRI0
14Heydari, Kimiya36710814IRI0
15Khazaei, Mehrsun42799023IRI0
16Noroozi, Mehrsa428032721IRI0
17Razavi Kamran, Hanita428003721IRI0
18Reazaei, AmetisIRI0
19Sadeghi, BaharIRI0
20Taheri, Yekta428003918IRI0
21Zolfagharimoheb, Ronika428004426IRI0