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Turneul municipal de SAH "Cupa Seniorilor"-2024, 50+

Senast uppdaterad12.08.2024 16:53:45, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

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1FMVezdeutsan, Viorel13900536MDA2401
2IMBets, Anatolij13900447MDA2217
3Prilepov, Alexei13900676MDA2108
4FMPavlenko, Bogdan13900684MDA1988
5Panus, VictorMDA1904
6Focsa, Iurie13905597MDA1681
7Teodor, Anatolie13915665MDA1519
8Chitoroga, Sergiu13917420MDA0
9Duplii, VladimirMDA0
10Golovcov, EugenMDA0
11Lisnic, VitaliiMDA0
12Prisacaru, Stanislav13913786MDA0
13Sechir, GhenadieMDA0
14Sova, IgorMDA0