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Velika Gospojina 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 12:13:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

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1Cairovic, Vlastimir963283SRB2070
2Bjelanovic, Mile963259SRB1972
3Pajic, Boris921823SRB1970
4Tucakovic, Dragan911585SRB1895
5Obradovic, Nemanja9207508SRB1894
6Milosevic, Petar V953733SRB1885
7Simonovic, Branislav903450SRB1826
8Obrenovic, Aleksandar9215837SRB1796
9Simovic, Dusan M9232073SRB1737
10Kokic, Miljko949540SRB1640