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Rating used is Happy Pawn internal ELO (not FIDE or national rating)♟️Happy Pawn♟️ Mini-Tournament #9 at Blue Parrot Bangkok U8 Վերջին արդիացում09.08.2024 12:26:47, Creator/Last Upload: Happy Pawn Chess Club
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | Rtg | Տիպ |
1 | | | Zhang, Justin | 1148 | U8 |
2 | | | Tiwari, Derekruj (Dylan) | 1061 | U8 |
3 | | | Sriyotha, Teeprakorn (PoomPoom) | 1015 | U8 |
4 | | | Assadamongkol, Ackanat (Ozone) | 1009 | U8 |
5 | | | Chuepaiwest, Lalin (Lin) | 1009 | U6 |
6 | | | Chuepaiwest, Natat | 1009 | U8 |
7 | | | Hutasuwan, Nitis (Brook) | 1009 | U8 |
8 | | | Miraly, Idris | 1009 | U6 |
9 | | | Phichitphajongkij, Rapassorn (Claire) | 1009 | U6 |
10 | | | Reznik, Noah | 1009 | U8 |
11 | | | Luangthamrongcharoen, Kin | 971 | U8 |
12 | | | Kwok, Solomon | 890 | U8 |
13 | | | Vachiramon, Alyssa (Alyss) | 832 | U6 |