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Open Rapid 08- 08-2024 by A.C.C. ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΟ : 5 ΕΥΡΩ

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.08.2024 20:19:50, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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1Gkekos, Ioannis42131227GRE1849
2Garde, Kostia651006839FRA1766
3Megagiannis, Maximos42161240GRE1719
4Rossiadis, Anastasios42145147GRE1680
5Hatzopoulos, Ioannis4236874GRE1675
6Gypari, Alexandra42147760GRE1674
7Mantousis, Evangelos25843320GRE1669
8Sehas, Nikolaos4214064GRE1606
9Stefos, Dimitrios42106729GRE1571
10Tas, Nikolaos42161959GRE1537
11Bartzos, Iasonas42156130GRE1527
12Romaniuk, Karol21095256POL1507
13Ziagakis, Nikolaos42155592GRE1457
14Drakou, Evgenia42136369GRE0
15Manadi, AxelFRA0