4.Runde: Herz Mostviertel - Böhlerwerk nachgetragen am 18.01. Loosdorf - SV Amstetten 6 verschoben
NÖSV 2.Klasse Mostviertel 2024/25 Last update 21.01.2025 08:53:06, Creator/Last Upload: Ing. Erich Wurzer
Parameters | Show tournament details, Link with tournament calendar |
Lists | Ranking crosstable (MP), Ranking crosstable (Pts.), Rank table, Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list, Playing schedule, Statistics |
| Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Composition without round-results, Team-Pairings of all rounds |
Board Pairings | Rd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Online-Ergebnis-Eingabe |
Excel and Print | Export to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, AUT rating-calculation, QR-Codes |
Player info
Name | Fexa, Rainer | Starting rank | 9 | Rating | 1828 | Rating national | 1828 | Rating international | 1916 | Performance rating | 0 | FIDE rtg +/- | 0 | Points | 0,5 | Rank | 43 | Federation | AUT | Ident-Number | 102867 | Fide-ID | 1617567 | Year of birth | 1977 |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.