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XVI Obert d'Estiu d'Escacs Base del Guinardó (Grup B)

Last update 17.08.2024 12:06:46, Creator/Last Upload: Frederic Corriguelas Armillas

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Starting rank

1Iglesias Pau, Nil3836951662S12Castellar
2Gallardo Galan, Cesar4002351570S10Gramenet
3Prieto Pujol, Carla3869791522S10Suria
4Gozzo-Bisso Cuadras, Maria Isabel3836971427S14Peona i Peo
5Berbel Meca, Adria58959891413S08Argentona
6Cabello Ortega, Manel59860171404S10Ecade
7Chalmeta Bosch, Maria3977001402S10Foment Martinenc
8Iglesias Pau, Gael3979641388S08Castellar
9Prieto Pujol, Iria4000341269S08Suria
10Chalmeta Bosch, Joana3997951047S08Foment Martinenc