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5th Maharathi Rapid Chess Tournament 2024 ( Open)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 20:58:05, Creator/Last Upload: Sharmavaibhav16

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1Darsh, Verma33307857IND1528
2Ishaan, Tyagi88164683IND1466
3Soumil, Shivam33449457IND1405
5Abhishek, ViswanathanIND0
6Akshat, TyagiIND0
7Dhaamik, BaliyanIND0
8Harshul, JainIND0
9Kushagra, BahugunaIND0
10Ramesh, Kumar429091136IND0
11Samuel Abiola, RobinsonNGR0
12Sidhant, ModiIND0