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Bringas Bar-COPYMAX

Last update 10.08.2024 07:38:33, Creator/Last Upload: Alejandro Glez. Bringas

Starting rank list of players

8Vidal Martínez, SalvadorMEX2081
5Casillas Orona, Federico MoctezumaMEX2000
9Garcia Gamboa, LorenzoMEX2000
2Gonzalez Bringas, AlejandroMEX2000
1Juarez Aguirre, RaulMEX2000
7Dominguez Avila, RaymundoMEX1900
6Aguilar Cardenas, MiguelMEX1863
10Pinedo Lozano, Heribero SalvadorMEX1861
3Carrera Morales, Priscila MichelMEX1536
4Avila Marquez, IvanMEX0