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1st Mr. Epitacio "Jie" Lao, Jr., Open Invitational Chess Tournament & Kiddies Chess Tournament

Darrera actualització06.08.2024 13:21:37, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Joel Jalober Patropez

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Rànquing inicial

1WNMMagsino, Rusela Joya5201390PHI0Tandikan Chess Club, Inc.
2Baltao, AJPHI0Tandikan Chess Club
3Dacillo, RafaelPHI0
4Delos Santos, Mors OdinPHI0
5Gonzaga, Jonar AlisboPHI0
6Lao, Epitacio5233330PHI0Tandikan Chess Club
7Pagmanuja, RolandoPHI0
8Tero, DannyPHI0