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U-9 and U-13 players will play separately.

Bishop Lover Rapid U-09 & U-13 Chess Tournament on 15th August, 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.08.2024 11:15:25, Creator/Last Upload: Vipin Singh

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1Akshit, MittalIND0U 13
2Aniket, ChoudharyIND0U 13
3Anishka,IND0U 13
4Darsh,IND0U 13
5Dharvi,IND0U 13
6Ditti,IND0U 13
7Harsheil,IND0U 13
8Hridayan, Dutta366098587IND0U 13
9Madhav, WaliIND0U 13
10Nihal, Gulla*531059600IND0U 13
11R, RaghavIND0U 13
12Samriddhi, NegiIND0U 13
13Samvid, GuptaIND0U 13
14Sanaya, GrewalIND0U 13
15Sayaansh, KheraIND0U 13
16Scott, DiasIND0U 13
17Shararvil, PaulIND0U 13
18Siddhartha, VinodIND0U 13
19Veer, Sogarwal*429030072IND0U 13
20Vihaan, Mittal429010756IND0U 13