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KREDO Independence Day 8th Class CBSE Chess Championship 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony06.08.2024 12:11:39, Creator/Last Upload: B S Chess Academy

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1A Hareshith Kumar,IND0
2A Rithvik Naidu,IND0
3B Karthik,IND0
4B Kushal,IND0
5B Mallesh,IND0
6B Supreeth Goud,IND0
7C Ram Charan,IND0
8D Dimple,IND0
9D Manohar,IND0
10E Geetha Sree,IND0
11E Pranav Kumar Gupta,IND0
12K Gaganamruth,IND0
13K Rithesh Krishna,IND0
14K Sree Venkata Shashank,IND0
15K Sumanth,IND0
16M Ajith Kumar,IND0
17M Venkata Charanamruth,IND0
18N Hrudhya,IND0
19N Sri Sai Ujwal,IND0
20P Chiranjeevi Nayak,IND0
21P Sailesh,IND0
22P Simon,IND0
23S Tharun Kumar Reddy,IND0
24Shivam Kumar Yadav,IND0