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Sjakkfejden 2024

Վերջին արդիացում24.08.2024 17:13:50, Creator/Last Upload: jamt-chess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Sundell, Bo1704257SWE2102
2Bohman Karlholm, Adrian1720643SWE2078
3Bjorkan, Olav1552368NOR2031
4Jonsson, Axel1773321SWE1989
5Andersson, Sven-Olof1706926SWE1918
6Maki, Christer1709674SWE1915
7Stokhaug, Jon Arne1506781NOR1846
8Bjorkan, Ingmund1545876NOR1834
9Wik, Bo1729870SWE1823
10Hjelm-Hansen, Paul Emil1517902NOR1749
11Oberg, Bengt1729900SWE1732
12Nord, Lars Olof1589253NOR1677
13Nord, Aleksander Milan1584987NOR1494
14Jonsson, Axel1780190SWE1703
15Lindahl, Dag1780107SWE1594
16Knutson, Julius1780212SWE0
17Hanning, Jan1729837SWE1663
18Jonsson, Tommy1780204SWE0