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3. Sonnenuntergangsblitz-Turnier

Posledná aktualizácia 14.08.2024 17:09:49, Creator/Last Upload: ChessMates

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Štartová listina

1Regez, Markus1304445SUI02118Schachklub Markus Regez
2Frischherz, Urs1360647SUI02055Goldau-Schwyz
3Schönhof, Timo4659864GER01992Zürich Chess4kids
4Schmid, Shahanah1305034SUI01897wSaanenland
5Hirzel, Robin1342320SUI01763Winterthur Sg
6Wiser, Hans-Rudolf1310348SUI01744Schweizer Schach Senioren
7Bruhnsen, Jan1350897SUI01710Baar
8Lobmayer, Matthias1342614SUI01621Zürich Seebach
9Speerli, Maria1344137SUI01565wU16Zugerland Chessmates Sk
10Ram, Sanjay1352091SUI01563U16Zürich Seebach
11Näf Schmid, Ianto1353179SUI01519U16Toggenburg
12Walser, FrankSUI01463Schachklub Markus Regez
13Schneider, Eliana Maylen1358871SUI01346wU16Zugerland Chessmates Sk
14Köppel, Paul1363913SUI01344Schweizer Schach Senioren
15Heinrich, Dean1356356SUI01255U16Zugerland Chessmates Sk
16Setz, EvanSUI00U16SC Toggenburg
17Stutz, FranzSUI00SK Baar