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Hamilton Summer Congress 2024

Darrera actualització10.09.2024 18:29:32, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Rànquing inicial

1Mccusker, Andrew2404281SCO1967HA
2Paul, Rabindra2403048SCO1843CW
3Lukhi, Neev2409275SCO1775LZ
4Mcnaught, Jordan J2410656SCO1645QP
5Mcintyre, John W2404044SCO1618PO
6Murray, Frankie2402963SCO1613EK
7Mckenna, John2413752SCO1609PA
8Mcintosh, William2401886SCO1528HA
9O`hanlon, Pat2411156SCO1444BH
10Robertson, Jim2403471SCO1377EK
11Saemundsson, Thor2407493SCO1367HA
12Mccusker, Kirsty2404397SCO1290HA
13Wilson, AndySCO1268HA
14Mcaloon, Paul2407450SCO1230HA
15Shields, Iain A2410427SCO1209PO
16Knowles, Toby2411857SCO1204GM
17Dimitriou, Emilia2415836SCO1036
18Mcaleer, Thomas126105322SCO1014QP
19Ferguson, Ian CSCO980HA
20Boothby, CliveSCO922PO
21Hagan, TheresaSCO588HA
22Duff, AllanSCO412HA
23Ling, Adam S Y2413167SCO0ER
24Ling, WillieSCO0
25Nobile, AaronSCO1434ST