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Cupa Țuțora - ediția a VI-a - 0-II

Seinast dagført17.08.2024 10:33:21, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 36)

Search for player Leita


1Silivestru, Dominic-Andrei42235120ROU1091
2Enache, David-Fabian42235073ROU1031
3Munteanu, Adrian42240662ROU1020
4Floares, Sofia-Andreea42231833ROU1013
5Nechifor, Anastasia-Elena42240727ROU901
6Nedelcu, Sara-Maria42238064ROU901
7Schipor, Dimitrie-Dorin42240743ROU901
8Schipor, Mina42239419ROU901
9Ungureanu, MateiROU901
10Ursu, Darius-Ioan42239427ROU901
11Albu, DragosROU701
12Alexa, David-MihailROU701
13Anastasiei, Luca-MarianROU701
14Anastasiei, Maria-AntoniaROU701
15Bejan, EricROU701
16Burlacu, AntoniaROU701
17Capatina, GabrielROU701
18Ciobanu, AndyROU701
19Ciobanu, DominicROU701
20Cozma, Vlad-AlexandruROU701
21Drobota, DenisROU701
22Gazzi, CasianROU701
23Hristea, GeorgeROU701
24Nechita, AlexandruROU701
25Tautu, DenisROU701
26Tofan, VladutROU701
27Vatamanu, Casiana-NectariaROU701
28Voicu, YanisROU701