Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Congratulations to the Winners of the U1450 section:

1) First Prize won jointly by Victor M (£102) & Robert A (£68) scoring 4.5/5 - combining the top two prize monies (£110 + £60)

2) No Second Prize as a result of 1 above

3) Rating prize of £40 won by Lalitranjan V scoring 3/5 on a Rating of 1162

3rd Cheam FIDE RapidPlay - U1450 (31August'24)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.09.2024 17:44:49, Creator/Last Upload: Psyon Chess

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Lista startowa

1Victor Kelly343451659ENG1475Surrey *
2Victor Maitret499374ENG1441London W *
3Geoffrey R Simms430951ENG1441Surbiton
4Emilia Pitcher343272105ENG1432Buckinghamshire Juniors
5David Flewellen343417922ENG1425Epsom
6Matthew FileENG1423Haywards Heath
7Robert AdamsENG1412Wallington
8Aneesh Agrawal496090ENG1405Wimbledon *
9Mayank PunjabiENG1400East Grinstead
10Roland Rattray343412688ENG1396Haywards Heath
11Laurence St Louis343454291ENG1298Sussex Juniors
12Lalitranjan Vigneswaran343438180ENG1162Ilford
13Alan Davey343453082ENG1044Haywards Heath
14Bahaa AjiliENG969Kent Junior Congresses
15Kshetragna Gullapelly343432794ENG963Milton Keynes *
16Stephen Lineker-Miller343449360ENG932Chandlers Ford
17Spriha Punjabi343401244ENG900West Sussex *
18Isabella Walsh343411932ENG872Sussex Juniors
19Dragos Opinca343453821ENG870Kings (Milton Keynes)
20Ritwika Patro343446256ENG762Surrey *
21Dhruva Thota343453422ENG721Basingstoke
22Chanakya MeruguENG268Milton Keynes