Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Congratulations to the Winners of the U2050 section:

1) First Prize won jointly by Tony W (£102) & Arnav K (£68) scoring 4/5 - combining the top two prize monies (£110 + £60)

2) No Second Prize as a result of 1 above

3) Rating prize of £40 won by Steve M scoring 3/5 on a Rating of 1782

3rd Cheam FIDE RapidPlay - U2050 (31August'24)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.09.2024 17:47:25, Creator/Last Upload: Psyon Chess

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Tony D Wells427675ENG1996Athenaeum
2Ross B Rattray409464ENG1993Berkhamsted
3Tharshan Kuhendiran423777ENG1960Nottingham University
4Alastair Armstrong343445462ENG1935Richmond & Twickenham
5Robert A Akeya-Price430510ENG1934Coulsdon Chess Club
6Daniel J Young425184ENG1922Epsom
7Arnav Kumar343400710ENG1854Epsom
8John Brown343425100ENG1829Bromley/Beckenham *
9Shreyansh Makhanasa35000128IND1811Lewisham
10Steve Madden427187ENG1782Athenaeum
11Alan Hayward415936ENG1777Pimlico
12Ethan Bogerd343407323ENG1689Richmond Juniors
13Amy Ba499323ENG1630
14James Ratcliffe343432840ENG1584Sussex Juniors
15Philip Tarrant-edwards ENG1489Chandlers Ford