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first prize is £120.00 to Marlowe Moseley with 5/5!
second prize £60.00 to William Calvert 4/5
rating prize of £40.00 to Alexander Hammond with 2/5

Torquay Weekend Chess Congress - U1400 (ECF Only) @Hampton by Hilton Hotel, The Terrace, Torquay, TQ1 1DP - 25 to 27 Oct

Վերջին արդիացում27.10.2024 18:02:40, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Hinde, Stephen343111893ENG01392
2Patel, Dipal343427529ENG0976
3Moseley, Marlowe343448593ENG0929
4Calvert, William343411878ENG0765
5Hammond, Alexander343400531ENG0756
6Swiatkowski, Dominik343415202ENG18131892
7Bloom, Paul454311ENG17771764