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WhatsApp Group for Chess England =

1st £200 George Lekoudis 4.5/5, 2nd £100 Nathan Mills 4/5. Plus a rating prize of £80.00 Under 1730 Yeung, Jia-Arn 3.5/5

Torquay Weekend Chess Congress - U1900 @Hampton by Hilton Hotel, The Terrace, Torquay, TQ1 1DP - 25 to 27 Oct

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.10.2024 20:37:32, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Barton, R Alan404233ENG18701873Hastings & St Leonards
2Ingham, H William451096ENG18241786Teignmouth
3AIMSwiatkowski, Aram343415210ENG17911868Medway
4Bloom, Paul454311ENG17771764Coulsdon Chess Club
5Brockes, Jeremy458503ENG17541693Hampstead
6Lekoudis, George484679ENG17441787Barnstaple
7Menseitov, Alikhan343453716ENG17251661Chandlers Ford
8Sainbayar, Anuurai404047ENG17051541Ealing
9Kelly, Ronan459135ENG16981609Metropolitan
10Yeung, Jia-Arn343425542ENG16781306Basingstoke
11Calvert, George343401597ENG16421603Oundle School
12Patel, Diah496677ENG14151420Warwickshire Juniors
13*Mills, Nathan434248ENG00Wirral Juniors