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Torquay Weekend Chess Congress - Open @Hampton by Hilton Hotel, The Terrace, Torquay, TQ1 1DP - 25 to 27 OctՎերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 14:05:44, Creator/Last Upload:
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | ԱԱՎ | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | GM | Arkell, Keith C | 400270 | ENG | 2373 | 2469 | 4ncl Cheddleton |
2 | | CM | Hobson, Kenneth | 480819 | ENG | 2128 | 2286 | Cowley |
3 | | | Murawski, Jan | 21009287 | ENG | 2043 | 2188 | Oxfordshire Juniors |
4 | | | Homer, Stephen J | 410322 | ENG | 2013 | 2076 | |
5 | | | Brusey, Alan W | 406880 | ENG | 1985 | 1983 | Teignmouth |
6 | | | Baer, Bruce L | 488801 | ENG | 1966 | 2061 | Central Birmingham |
7 | | | Majeed, Haroon | 343401902 | ENG | 1890 | 2005 | Nomads (Notts) |
8 | | | Pick, Freddie | 343454097 | ENG | 1878 | 1992 | South Bristol |
9 | | | Zhu, Pengxiao | 499307 | ENG | 1866 | 2055 | Devon * |
10 | | | Caleshu, Caleb | 488259 | ENG | 1838 | 2073 | Plymouth |
11 | | | Pradhan, Abhishek | 46638660 | IND | 1816 | 1913 | Farnham |
12 | | | Swiatkowski, Dominik | 343415202 | ENG | 1813 | 1892 | Medway |
13 | | | Moseley, Alan | 30963311 | USA | 1772 | 0 | |
14 | | | Lekoudis, George | 484679 | ENG | 1744 | 1787 | Barnstaple |
15 | | | Tarrant-Edwards, Philip | 343446124 | ENG | 1743 | 1763 | Chandlers Ford |
16 | | | Aston, Paul A | 487511 | ENG | 1633 | 1794 | St Marychurch |
17 | | | Pereslatsev, Alexander | | ENG | 0 | 1623 | Hampshire * |