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2024 Marshall Chess Club Labor Day Invitational GM A

Last update 03.09.2024 02:17:03, Creator/Last Upload: gkeener

Starting rank list of players

6GMKhamrakulov, DjurabekUZB2494
8GMParagua, MarkPHI2449
1GMBarbosa, OliverPHI2439
3FMPutnam, LiamUSA2420
10IMShlyakhtenko, RobertUSA2411
2FMNarayanan, SamrugUSA2389
9IMGriffith, KyronUSA2382
5IMRozman, LevyUSA2370
7NMChirilov, JamesUSA2339
4NMKovalchuk, IgorUKR2057