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PABSON Nepalgunj 5th Internal Chess Tournament-2024 (Boys)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.08.2024 16:17:34, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Ghimere, Krishant12353450NEP1744
2Shah, Anup Jung12329738NEP1740
3Nag, Arush12345555NEP1631
4Acharya, AmogNEP0
5Adhikari, Dev BahadurNEP0
6Bhatta, PranilNEP0
7Budhathoki, SachinNEP0
8Chhetri, Yam BahadurNEP0
9Idrishi, Abdul KadirNEP0
10Kandel, KrishapNEP0
11Malla, UpendraNEP0
12Neupane, AkshatNEP0
13Ray, RajNEP0
14Regmi, NirjalNEP0
15Sekh, SahilNEP0
16Shahi, Pushpa RajNEP0
17Singh, PrashantNEP0