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PABSON Nepalgunj 5th Internal Chess Tournament-2024 (girls)

Last update 09.08.2024 16:18:10, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Giri, Isha12345466NEP1588
2Shah, Shristi12330990NEP1545
3Bista, ShreeshaNEP0
4Dhital, KarunaNEP0
5Gurung, PrakritiNEP0
6K C, PrabinaNEP0
7Kathayat, AarceeNEP0
8Shah, ManishaNEP0
9Shahi, Akristi `NEP0
10Shahi, SalinaNEP0
11Thapa, SwastikaNEP0
12Verma, ArunaNEP0