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Seleksi Internal POPDA 2025 Putra Kabupaten Mojokerto

Last update 04.08.2024 10:16:10, Creator/Last Upload: Blitar2024

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Starting rank

1Alfan Rosyid A M,Kecamatan Bangsal
2Ahmad Sabikin Al Hikam,Kecamatan Trowulan
3Al Asraf Samtiyar,Kecamatan Dawarblandong
4Isaka Putra Wardana,Kecamatan Bangsal
5Kevin Joseph Teovano,Kecamatan Gedeg
6Kyan Attila Rasyid,Kecamatan Sooko
7Lionel Fabian Cholid,Kecamatan Mojosari
8Maskur Hafid Firdaus,Kecamatan Trowulan
9Muhammad Roby,Kecamatan Kutorejo
10Oryza Ferdinand,Kecamatan Dlanggu
11Rafi Pratama,Kecamatan Trowulan