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Jogos Estudantis das Escolas Municipais de Ponta Grossa 2024 Grupo 2 Masculino - Tabuleiro 3

Last update 15.08.2024 16:10:23, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Starting rank

1Floriano Pedro Lucas De AvelarEDS01822
2Oliveira MuriloCYM01810
3Gabriel Davi Lucca SantosPMG01809
4Maciel Leonardo HenriqueMVR01801
5Miranda Arthur Wiegand dePCL01800
6Cunha Dav Lucas Gomes DalzottoJBV01800
7Sousa Davi Jose Kruk dePOM01800
8Ferreira Eduardo Frederico CustodioTBR01800
9Polli EduardoATC01800
10Gouveia Enzo WestphalEPH01800
11Silva Jhonathan Levi Ribeiro daPMF01800
12Vieira Lorenzo Benicio NevesCDR01800
13Delgobo Lorenzo SantosMEC01800
14Santos Miguel dosMFS01800
15Unrein Otavio HenriqueGAB01800
16Jesus Pedro Henrique Dos Santos Rosa dJPR01800
17Silva Tallysson Garcia daAGS01800
18Moreira Victor Luis BuenoOCM01800
19Soares Arthur RicardoRPM01790
20Ramos Antonio De Oliveira deMVB01787
21Nonak Samuel FerreiraEAR01750