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Japan Team Chess Championship 2024 チーム選手権

Last update 02.10.2024 16:22:27, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoFEDTeamGroupGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
23Azabu Chess Club OB65011017090243,5
37Todai Chess Circle AGakusei65011016082,5207,5
49Chiba Chess Club A6411917074204,5
568x8 Blunders6411915,5084,5220,8
6128x8 Advantages6411914082190,5
75Keio OB6402816,5080,5212
827Keio BGakusei6402815,5073172,3
98Setouchi Chess Club A6321815079,5197,5
1031Kyodai Chess CircleGakusei6402815072171,8
1122Yokohama Bishops6402815070161,8
122Osaka Club A6402814,5090189,5
1324Matsumoto Chess Club6402814076167,3
144Chiba Chess Shinken Group6402813,5088,5184,8
1511White Knights OB6321812,5080160
1620Kawasaki Chess Club6402812,5078143,8
1726Nagoya Chess Club6312714,5066136,3
2210Nakano Chess Club6303614081178,3
2333Setouchi Chess Club B6303614062123,3
2425Tokyo Check Mates6303613269123,5
2514King Shogi Chess School6303613071147,3
2616Osaka Abeno Chess Club6303612,5082,5139,3
2721Divine Chess Gurukul - A6303612077,5140,8
2813Kitasenju Chess Club6222612074139,3
2923Univ. of Tsukuba OB6303611,5072,5131
3145Yokohama Rooks622269,5073,5112,5
3215Chiba Chess Club B6213512,5064128,8
3332Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club A6132511,5065,5119,8
3542Kumadai Chess ClubGakusei6132511079144,5
3628Yokogawa Chess Club6213510074,5116,8
3743Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club B621359,507099,3
3841Chiba Chess Kids SK621359,506691,8
3947Tachikawa B621359,506386,8
4137Todai Chess Circle BGakusei6204412070110,5
4239Machida Knightmare6123411066113,8
4351Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club C6123410,506084,5
4434Yokohama Pawns6204410069,5109
4548Machida promotion620441005878
4636Tachikawa A620449,507495
4740Azabu Chess Club62044906265,8
4849Keio AGakusei612348,5059,570,8
4946Yokohama Knights611439,5053,577
5050Chiba Chess Kids FM611439056,564,8
5144Tokyo Bilingual Chess Club D603338,5066,590
5254Tachikawa D602426,506965
5352Divine Chess Gurukul - B60151505634,5
5453Tachikawa C601513,505824,5

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)
Tie Break5: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break