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Joukkuepikashakin SM 2024, 5 sijoitusryhmä

Last update 04.08.2024 15:05:19, Creator/Last Upload:

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Ranking crosstable

Rk.Team123456789101112131415161718192021222324 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1TuTS 4 * 02233333433242333644082
2HSK 84 * 231232314234232414257,52968,5
3KSY 322 * 1203402312444456,53169,5
4AkaaS 2213 * 2113242233254,53066,5
5KSK32 * 33½33442231232353,52764,5
6Jarin baari124½1 * 2332223341232352,52963,5
7Moukat 111½2 * 223133323134351,52863,5
8MäntSK1212112 * 23223½23332502860
9JoeSK 310½122 * 13333333249,52962,5
10EtVaS 5½14213 * 3122124224492056
11KarjUra 31331111 * 3232232333482458
12Team Around Joutsa002232 * 232212323246,52554,5
13PSY 413122112 * 312213213442252
14LauttSSK 523101111311 * 33132233343,52152,5
15TammerSh 5120112221 * 3232432050
16Gambiitti 81102121231 * 22133342,52150,5
17Joen passant½0222121223231 * 2222421946
18Veljekset22211½½3222122 * 22222341,51944,5
19Misakoshakki01030321322222 * 2412148
20Helsingin Pörssiklubi 2220½31½121132 * 3223412048
21TuTS 5100221110212222221 * 2351638
22Norppa13½1110½121311222 * 234,51338,5
23KSY 510122½121½111½222 * 32,51235,5
24LahS 5½2021112201211112 * 30,5831,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break3: points (game-points) + 1 point For Each won match.