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Retas Jaque Mate #29 Grupo B

Last update 04.08.2024 08:26:42, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras

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Starting rank

1Diaz Lozano, Ian RaulMEX0
2Munoz Ruelas, Oscar EmilioMEX0
3Nava Delgado, Elian GabrielMEX0
4Rios Carrillo, Alison NaomiMEX0
5Rios Carrillo, MelisaMEX0
6Rios Salinas, Carlos MateoMEX0
7Rodriguez Nagaya, Iker AlanMEX0
8Saenz Estrada, SaraMEX0
9Salinas Contreras, Laura AliciaMEX0
10Solorio Ordonez, GreciaMEX0