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Joukkuepikashakin SM 2024, 3 sijoitusryhmä

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.08.2024 15:32:35, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

Search for team Szukanie

Tabela wg zajętych miejsc (Pkt)

M-sceDrużyna123456789101112131415161718192021222324 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1Helsingin Pörssiklubi 1 * 23223342123233322358,53471,5
2HSC 42 * 102432323312233323355,53368,5
3LprSK 213 * 11433232143553069
4LahS 324 * 33222232222254,53064,5
5JyS 222 * 21222½242332522962
6VammSK 3101 * 2½14242342223522863
7VSS113122 * 3033232251,52762,5
8KS-58 323231 * 1141123333502360
9LauttSSK 20123½3 * 2211434213348,52659,5
10Tammer-Nokia2222032 * 2423121133347,52455,5
11JyS GM-Team310224½22 * 31232472255
12LoimSK212½130 * 3222133462556
13OSS 21312½0½321 * 2311323344,52454,5
14PSY 322122101312 * 222332244,52451,5
15NurmSK½2212013222 * 22132443,51948,5
16Gambiitti 5½11½001322122 * 4423432151
17TSY 1122½30320 * 322242,52250,5
18I-HSK 211½2223123120 * ½½433401746
19TuTS 3½212213½3113½1 * 32401646
20TammerSh 4121½121121 * 3½39,51746,5
21HSK 511222131½12201 * 339,51745,5
22PSY 223½2111½2211 * 1381644
23HämSK 32½02121121213 * 36,51340,5
24HSK 61112½1½11½202½ * 34,51540,5

TB 1: points (game-points)
TB 2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 3: points (game-points) + 1 point for each won match.