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Nepal Electricity Authority 39th Annual Festival , Open Chess Tournament

Last update 07.08.2024 10:58:32, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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1Rubal, BudhathokiNEP0
2Akal, LamaNEP0
3Amul, MaharjanNEP0
4Arun Kumar, YadavNEP0
5Ashmin, ChaliseNEP0
6Bhola, SharmaNEP0
7Bibek, ChaudharyNEP0
8Bijay, ShahNEP0
9Bishal, DahalNEP0
10Basant, Bahadur SinghNEP0
11Chet Nath, KhatiwadaNEP0
12Dhirendra, BajraghaiNEP0
13Dil Kumar, ManandharNEP0
14Durga, Prasad OliNEP0
15Gopal, KhadkaNEP0
16Gorakha, Bahadur KuwarNEP0
17Keshar, ShresthaNEP0
18Lila Bahadhur, ThapaNEP0
19Manoj, AryalNEP0
20Rajendra, PoudelNEP0
21Minash, B.KNEP0
22Prakash, DahalNEP0
23Prem Prakash, ShresthaNEP0
24Purna, MaharjanNEP0
25Raj Narayan, ChaudharyNEP0
26Ram, Bahadur SahakariNEP0
27Ram, BaralNEP0
28Sanjit Kumar, DasNEP0
29Shailendra, TamangNEP0
30Suman Raj, ManandharNEP0
31Sunil, PaudelNEP0
32Sunil, SubediNEP0
33Suraj, DahalNEP0
34Umesh, MagarNEP0
35Yam Karna, BasnetNEP0
36Yubraj, ShresthaNEP0