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Training Tournament for the International School Games l Boys (2)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.08.2024 18:37:23, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Champions Academy

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1Alabbas, Ali11208201BRN1613
2Kareem, Manassaki11203595BRN1603
3Yusuf, Ahmed Alsaegh11206632BRN1479
4Ali, Sayed Hashim11204877BRN1457
5Hussain, Waheed11206195BRN1424
6Abdulla, Nayel11206462BRN1417
7Alahmed, Ali11209194BRN0
8Alalwi, Sayed Mohammed11209186BRN0
9Alasfoor, Hasan11207060BRN0
10Albalooshi, Sufyan11209232BRN0
11Ali, Bader11209178BRN0
12Ali, Yusuf Mujtaba11209224BRN0
13Alkhamiry, Mohammed11208830BRN0
14Alqallaf, Ali11207507BRN0
15Alsaati, Elias11208619BRN0
16Alwardi, Hussain11209291BRN0
17Asadalla, Hassan Abbas11207892BRN0
18Asadalla, Jalal11208732BRN0
19Haider, Ali Hasan11208724BRN0
20Mohamed, Abdulrahman Khaled11209208BRN0
21Nasser, Mohammed11208880BRN0
22Sheikh, Salman11208430BRN0
23Tohami, Nasser11206020BRN0