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IRT Departamental de Cundinamarca 2013

Last update 01.05.2013 18:47:36, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Guerrero Forero Ricardo Alon4411323CUN2198Club Mpal Sopo
2Perez Pineda Elkin Dario4404424CUN2156Club Mpal Sopo
3Cifuentes Jhon Jairo4404467CUN2125Club Guecha Ata Quota
4Montenegro Juan Rolando4403444CUN2125Club Mpal Sopo
5Ramirez Heimy Polgar4401611CUN2097wClub Torres del Zipa
6Rodriguez Mayorga Julian E4404408CUN2096Club Virtual Chess
7Torres Plaza Jaime Alberto4413245CUN2037Club Mpal Sopo
8Arias Juan Diego4412931CUN2002Club Virtual Chess
9Hernandez Oscar Eduardo4407709CUN1988Club Shabaku
10Rodriguez Fernandez Nelson Giovanny4426746CUN1981Club Mpal Sopo
11Olarte Parra Jhoan Sebastian4428706CUN1958Club Virtual Chess
12Latorre Franklin Leandro4425316CUN1952Club Torres del Zipa
13Mora Luis Jose4411471CUN1935Club Escaques
14Parra Diego Alexander4425413CUN1929Club Shabaku
15Rodriguez Olaya Yesid Esneider4418255CUN1895Club Mpal Sopo
16Garcia Juan Manuel4411226CUN1872Club Torres del Zipa
17Palomino Daniel Fernando4418247CUN1760Club Mpal Sopo
18Torres Jose LeonardoCUN1747Club Mpal Sopo
19Cuellar Jose Gabriel4431260CUN1744Club Mpal Sopo
20Sosa Florez Luis Felipe4423720CUN1741Club Virtual Chess
21Baron Calderon Ismael4436369CUN1725Club Virtual Chess
22Carranza Jorge Federico4434889CUN1672Club Mpal Sopo
23Pinilla Diego4417895CUN1667Club Mpal Sopo
24Forero ArturoCUN1664Club Mpal Sopo
25Rodriguez Zarama Sandra Lizeth4407989CUN1656wClub Alfeizar
26Sosa Florez Juan Sebastian4423682CUN1641Club Virtual Chess
27Lancheros Lancheros WilliamCUN1633Club Escaques
28Rodriguez Zarama Lina Maria4407539CUN1628wClub Alfeizar
29Rincon Angela4440471CUN1625wClub Mpal Sopo
30Sanchez Rubiela4423755CUN1617wClub Torres del Zipa
31Tobo SergioCUN1615Club Mpal Sopo
32Segura T Jesus Daniel4413237CUN1610Club Torres del Zipa
33Becerra Fonseca Camila Andrea4433289CUN1503wClub Guecha Ata Quota
34Rozo Claudia Magally4425189CUN1409wClub Shabaku
35Nossa Ortega Juan PabloCUN0Club Mpal Sopo