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Reporting Time : 9:00 AM
Players Meeting: 9:30 AM
First Round : 10:00 AM
Time Control: 15min+5sec
Entry Fee: OPEN Category Rs.700/-
U15 Category Rs.650/-

Catch64 Rapid Chess Tournament on 1st Sept 2024 at Hoskote, Bangalore KSCA event code KSCA /G044/2425

Last update 18.08.2024 02:34:28, Creator/Last Upload: Vasanth BH

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Starting rank

1Varun, Subramanyam S46662901IND1442
2Anant Singh,IND0
3Harshul, P Manoj48799068IND0
4Neelakantan H,IND0
5Parthasarathy, N429003709IND0S55
6Pavan kumar,IND0
7Rikesh, Anand88104044IND0U15
8Swara Samal,IND0w