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Joukkuepikashakin SM 2024, alkuryhmä E

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony03.08.2024 19:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

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Tabela wg zajętych miejsc (Pkt)

M-sceDrużyna123456789101112131415161718192021 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3 
1HSC 1 * 334443344444444444754295
2MatSK 2½ * 23324244444444633578
3HyPNos12 * 233444444444633478
4HämSK 11 * 3132433243444563471
5Gambiitti 40121 * 422333234444454,53267,5
6SeinSK 10110 * 24433444532966
7HSK 40½12½ * 24434334344523266
8KSY 21½½3222 * ½3233444492860
9LahS 2121½ * 323323344448,52759,5
10Tammer-Nokia½011011 * 2434244344462456
11JyS GM-Team0202102 * 4343234445,52856,5
12I-HSK 2000012½ * 213344436,51843,5
13TSY 300012½21002 * 122444321737
14KurVi00½1½½01113 * 2334321538
15PaimSK0002½111003½ * 3½344291535
16LauttSSK 50000101022112½ * 223425,51328,5
17EtVaS 5000½01½1021221 * 24251228
18TuTS 50½0101001000122 * 21420,5922,5
19KymS 400½0001½011½0122 * 2419,5921,5
20Moukat 20000000½000010132 * 414,5716,5
21ESK 200000000000000000000 * 020

TB 1: points (game-points)
TB 2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 3: points (game-points) + 1 point for each won match.