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Torneo Plaza Gastronomica 2024 02 Ago 2024

Last update 03.08.2024 07:21:51, Creator/Last Upload: Antonio Amezquita

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Starting rank

1Gonzalez Rodriguez, Luis Reyes5136393MEX1858Nuevo Leon
2Contreras Morales, Julio Cesar5164044MEX1624Nuevo Leon
3Perez-Figueroa Y Larranaga, Luis DavidMEX1189
4Elizondo, Palacios RodolfoMEX1746Nuevo Leon
5Sanchez, Flores HumbertoMEX1739Nuevo Leon
6Vega, Acevedo RaulMEX1625
7Martinez, Ayala Aldo NoeMEX1611Nuevo Leon
8Rodriguez, Robledo LuisMEX1428Morelos
9Arreguin Perez, Gabriel EliasMEX0
10Barrera, GabinoMEX0
11Dominguez Iracehta, Alan FranciscoMEX0
12Esquivel Becerra, Juan Manuel AntonioMEX0
13Garcia Farfan, RaymundoMEX0