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Nepal Youth One Day Rapid Rating OPEN Chess Tournament 2024! - 9869040172

Last update 03.08.2024 18:46:48, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Maharjan, Suroj12329100NEP1985
2Silwal, Purushottam12332313NEP1972
3CMMaharjan, Sajin12301906NEP1966
4CMDahal, Sushrut12303275NEP1951Pavilions Chess Academy
5Rai, Dhiren12334162NEP1933
6Ghimire, Sabin Chandra12313521NEP1930
7CMSharma, Bhagawati Prasad12300624NEP1928
8Khadka, Purna Raj12300322NEP1924
9CMTandukar, Nabin5021189NEP1895
10Karmacharya, Dipendra12304590NEP1888
11Shah, Abheek12339504NEP1880
12Lama, Suman12301850NEP1870
13Rajkarnikar, Bijesh12346799NEP1867
14Bhandari, Ramesh12301566NEP1858
15Gurung, Mankumar12301728NEP1847
16Maharjan, Rajendra12301299NEP1845
17Shrestha, Ram Bhakta12310921NEP1844
18Yadav, Raj Narayan12354368NEP1821
19Kc, Sujan12328162NEP1816
20Gautam, Santosh12301655NEP1815
21Bhandari, Hem12318469NEP1808
22Shrestha, Anjan12327379NEP1805
23Belbase, Kushal12329487NEP1790
24Lama, Surendra12324612NEP1787
25Bhandari, Hemraj12316784NEP1771
26Gautam, Anushna12322482NEP1762Pavilions Chess Academy
27Moktan, Suman12316342NEP1758Dolkha
28Karki, Ram Hari12315800NEP1746
29Waiba, Ek Bahadur12329703NEP1734
30Lawat, Asha Narayan12301868NEP1733
31Baishya, Bikram12337609NEP1729
32Thapa, Ganesh Bahadur12334235NEP1729
33Rai, Sukdev12320242NEP1720
34Nath, Kapildev12320137NEP1714
35Khadka, Govinda12300306NEP1711
36Khadka, Prem12335649NEP1708
37Maharjan, SuleshNEP0
38Shrestha, NireshNEP0