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2024 11th KCFAP Standard 60+30 Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.08.2024 15:49:35, Creator/Last Upload: Ignatius Leong

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1AGMTeoh, Yi Hearn Lawrence5706882MAS1758
2Mooi, Kok Onn Osric5800528SGP1745
3FMLeong, Ignatius5800242LAO1715
4Wu, Haoyang6015620HKG1634
5AFMChit, Ye Thu13008323MYA1633
6Benedict, Silveries Mathias Samuel5825385SGP1585
7Chew, Cedric5803276SGP1566
8Chew, Clement5802407SGP0
9Yap, Chee Khean5856230SGP0
10Lean, Boon Cheng Richard5802911SGP1689