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2do Clasificatorio V Realzando el Ajedrez Grupo A

Last update 04.08.2024 23:13:27, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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1Barrios, Marquez Xionel Alfredo29664888MEX1640Guanajuato
2Ortega, Gonzalez Noemi Montserrat29640628MEX1607Guanajuato
3Aldape, Ramirez Juan Diego29600669MEX1599Guanajuato
4Palmerin, Abonce Tadeo29649692MEX1595Guanajuato
5Gutierrez, Torres Angel29629616MEX1594Guanajuato
6Cortes, Martinez Juan Gerardo5197430MEX1588Guanajuato
7Menchaca, Ramirez Valeria29664934MEX1580Guanajuato
8Zambrano Rey, Sara Angelina5195489MEX1580Guanajuato
9Hernandez, Rodriguez Gustavo AndreMEX1579Guanajuato