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Juegos Deportivos Nacionales - Fase Montevideo - 1ra. Categoría Masculino

Last update 10.08.2024 18:51:47, Creator/Last Upload: AF Alfonso Figueroa

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Starting rank

1Indart, Lucio16590Col Santa Elena
2Galli, Lisandro16241441C REINA REYES
3Martinez, Valentino15281478Sagrada Familia
4Cammarota, Andres15000Col Santa Elena
5Fabra, Nathaniel14760L43
6Lamas, Joaquin14630L56
7Alvez, Bryan00CEA 178 U CASAVALLE
8Chagas, Agustin00L43
9Corbal, Nestor00L12
10Dodera, Renzo00L7
11Elenberg, Sebastian00Col INGLES
12Fernandez, Thiago00L Espigas
13Ferrari, Lautaro00UTU FLOR MAROÑAS
14Godoy, Santiago00L30
15Goinheix, Thiago00L7
16Gonzalez, Lucas00L69
17Leoncini, Federico00Col INGLES
18Martinez, Fabian00UTU CEA 230
19Monzillo, Lucas00L Espigas
20Natan Canies, Federico00L7
21Nicoletti, Gino00L17
22Pastorino, Luca00L43
23Ramirez, Mateo00UTU CEA 230
24Ramirez, Maximo00UTU CEA 230
25Rivero, Thiago00L17
26Rodriguez, Axel00L13
27Rodriguez, Christian00L77
28Rugnitz, Salvador00L62
29Seixa, Cristian00L48
30Seri, Iker00L69
31Suarez, Facundo00L13
32Uriarte, Daoiz00L17
33Zunin, Mateo00Col INGLES