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Friday Knight Jam (August 2 Edition) A rapid tournament for weekly chess engagementՎերջին արդիացում03.08.2024 00:28:44, Creator/Last Upload: LCF_National
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Joel, O. Ebiekuta | 22600671 | LBR | 2111 |
2 | | Joe, Warwo | 22602348 | LBR | 2015 |
3 | | Harold, Evans | 22600744 | LBR | 1975 |
4 | | Wallace, O. Williams | 22601058 | LBR | 1961 |
5 | | Georgina, Sackie | 22601708 | LBR | 1957 |
6 | | Kennedy, Zinnah Kengo | 22600647 | LBR | 1953 |
7 | CM | Daniel, Kolliemelen | 22600086 | LBR | 1931 |
8 | CM | Abraham, Kalokoh | 22600264 | LBR | 1927 |
9 | | Foday, W. Kondoh | 22600167 | LBR | 1893 |
10 | | Alfred, J. Kollie | 22600515 | LBR | 1883 |
11 | CM | John, Jallah | 22600140 | LBR | 1869 |
12 | FM | Jacob, Jallah | 22600124 | LBR | 1859 |
13 | | Miller, Moore | 22600736 | LBR | 1858 |
14 | | Abigail, Karyah | 22601147 | LBR | 1854 |
15 | | Joshua, Nador | 22601988 | LBR | 1806 |
16 | | Leroy, D. Thompson | 22601686 | LBR | 1764 |
17 | | Harris, Zubah | 22602208 | LBR | 1733 |
18 | | Philip, Tarpah | 22602690 | LBR | 1666 |
19 | | Promise, N. Blayon | 22603450 | LBR | 1654 |
20 | | Meleh, N. Davis | 22601180 | LBR | 1611 |
21 | | Lynn, A. Browne | 22602976 | LBR | 1520 |
22 | | Mohammed, Konneh | 22602003 | LBR | 1515 |
23 | | Princess, K. Banney | 22601201 | LBR | 1459 |
24 | | Kemvee, H. Sambola | 22601287 | LBR | 1440 |
25 | | Junior, Taylor | 22602569 | LBR | 0 |
26 | | Nesher J., Nador | | LBR | 0 |
27 | | Okai, A. Beauford | 22600434 | LBR | 0 |
28 | | Samuel, S. Binda | 22603310 | LBR | 0 |
29 | | Dmentrous, Gizee | 22601457 | LBR | 1578 |
30 | | Arthur, Hne | 22601821 | LBR | 1692 |
31 | | Moses, D. Kollibah | 22603328 | LBR | 0 |