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The Irish Junior Rapid championship 2024

Վերջին արդիացում02.08.2024 19:15:31, Creator/Last Upload: Ronan Sutton

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1FMCrowley, James2512580IRL2157
2Crothers, Toby1768
3Mulukutla, Ayaansh33391998IRL1695
4Palihawadana, Aken Pinitha29982847IRL1532
5Kenny, Ruadhan1516
6Woods, Christopher2518201IRL1439
7Dsouza, Leon1396
8Brien, Owen O'1373
9Nichenametla V, Advaith2516896IRL1372
10Elioutin, Michael Afanasiev1365
11Doolin, Bedhbh2517221IRL1362
12Barnes, Oliver2517604IRL1338
13Doolin, Nemhain2517230IRL1327
14Bartczak, Korneliusz2523558IRL1321
15Sheehan, Conor2517850IRL1312
16Braine, Harry2518570IRL1297
17Elioutin, Daniel Afanasiev1221
18Shankar, Deelisha1217
19Salin, Rohan2526018IRL1052
20Comley, Jamie2524260IRL1038
21Song, Rayman1019
22Cummins, Finn2525780IRL930
23Murphy, Cathal2522250IRL777
24O'Brien, James658
25Huang, Kevin2525879IRL513
26Hakhumyan, Arsen2511991IRL400
27Kholiavko, Kyrylo34110879IRL0