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Clasico Queretaro XI

Last update 19.10.2024 01:17:58, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

Starting rank list of players

8Guisa Tellez, Luis Ernesto29605695MEX1666Queretaro
7Curiel Cordero, Juan Alberto5174996MEX1660Queretaro
6Vivanco Olivares, Jorge Luis29632218MEX1625Queretaro
3Aguirre De Samaniego, Jorge Porfi29607990MEX1624Queretaro
4Gomez Tolentino, Iker29632943MEX1600Queretaro
10Medina Munoz, Diego29639999MEX1587Queretaro
1Resendiz Gonzalez, Ariana29655242MEX1587Queretaro
9Luna Araujo, Maria Valeria5165792MEX1526Queretaro
2Rivas Juarez, Arturo29640008MEX1470Queretaro
5Garcia Garcia, Rene29650992MEX1467Queretaro