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Clasico Queretaro X

Last update 21.10.2024 10:05:37, Creator/Last Upload: arbitros queretaro

Starting rank list of players

5CMVazquez Espino, Uriel5119138MEX1983Queretaro
6Carrillo Basaldua, Alberto5133343MEX1952Queretaro
1Olvera Leon, Sergio29604060MEX1910Queretaro
7AIMMonter Ruiz, Josue5193702MEX1869Queretaro
3Flores Zamora, Javier5143110MEX1776Guanajuato
2Patino Alcala, Virginio29626323MEX1734Queretaro
8Bautista Escobedo, Manuel5120845MEX1717Queretaro
4Ramirez Aguas, Josue Emilio29654068MEX1706Queretaro
10De La Garza Castaneda, Gerardo5131391MEX1702Queretaro
9Olguin Cuellar, Fernando Cecilio29601479MEX1696Queretaro