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Last update 15.08.2024 23:01:38, Creator/Last Upload: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

Starting rank list of players

1Negreiros, Ricardo Andre Medeiros22713247BRA19561939
2Silva, Ivanilson Pereira2137429BRA19141834
3Canonico, Rodrigo22731644BRA18611986
11Campos, Evaldo Andre44708564BRA18001800
4De Oliveira, Genivaldo Manoel22731687BRA17951834
6Baltar, Petrov Ferreira2131366BRA17851808
7Morais, Francisco John Silva22742492BRA17751758
5AIMDa Silva, Antonio Dutra2131439BRA17641776
8Espinola, Jose Mario22722190BRA17591813
9Lavogadae, Daniel Pereira22799362BRA17541793
10Gomes, Genildo De Souza2151049BRA17291857